(见图) *以上新闻由ChinaDaily双语手机报提供 订购方式: 中国移动用户发送短信CD到10658000,使用者按向上或向下箭头的按钮就可调节办公桌的高度,欲推动站立式办公桌成为主流,也有助于健康,办公桌内置触摸屏, the Daily Mail of London reported. The Ikea BEKANT raises and lowers by a single push of a simple up/down arrow scheme. It has a built-in touchscreen to tell users exactly how many calories they burn by standing for part of their working day. It also has compartments containing power points and USB ports for charging phones. Experts say that changing from a seated to a standing desk can improve productivity,电源插座,桌内隔层里设置了USB接口,宜家推出了一款名为BEKANT的可调节站立式办公桌,5元/月 中国电信用户发送短信CD至10659000。 专家表示办公桌从坐式转变成站立式可以提高工作效率,可供手机充电,5元/月 ,6元/月 中国联通用户发送短信CDCD到10655111,能够显示用户一天内站立工作时消耗了多少卡路里,其售价为499美元, Convertible standing desk 宜家推可调节站立书桌 Ikea has revealed a "convertible" standing desk and hopes it can make the desk mainstream, fitness and health. It will retail for $499. (See photo) 据英国《每日邮报》报道。 |